Monday, October 12, 2009

doctor yay!

No, that's not our pediatrician's name, though we love him.  That's what G said on the way to the office this morning.  "To the doctor.  Doctor.... Yay!"

This was our very first doctor's visit without tantrums from G.  What made it different?  We told him what to expect and he was able to hear us... to understand, and therefore to feel it wasn't scary.  Last year's visit involved dragging him onto the scale and unsuccessfully trying to convince him it was alright for several minutes while the nurse added to the problem by giving him instructions he couldn't understand in a forceful tone, making him scared of her as well as the scale.  This time, he actually thought it was pretty cool to see how the scale works and the nurse wasn't upsetting even if she did look a little surprised by my enthusiastic response to G's success on the scale.  And there was a big fish tank, with a toy car that blew bubbles from under its hood... definitely cool.

It was such a relief to see him happily being weighed and measured, answering the Dr's questions happily, understanding.  I know it was a relief to him too.  L carefully watched to see what her big brother thought of the office, and then grudgingly let the doctor listen to her heart and poke her tummy.  After all, if G enjoyed it,  it must be safe.  A big brother is a wonderful thing!

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