Monday, November 9, 2009

hallway thunder

A few days ago, G and L decided it would be a completely and totally awesome idea to roll all of their marbles down the hall.  At once.  So they collected the marbles, two dump trucks and headed to the end of the hall and proceeded to spend the next hour bowling with handfuls of marbles at a time, pushing them with blocks and filling up the trucks and then dumping loads of marbles to careen down the linoleum.  It was loud... very very loud.  Wishing we had a supply of earplugs in the house loud.  I cringed a few times, but mostly I was thrilled because they were happily playing together, taking turns, working together.  They have found a special world together, where they can share and play and imagine with each other and have even more fun than with mom and dad.

There is not much I like better than to watch them enjoy one another, even if it is the cause of a few headaches.  I believe that as time goes on, the best person to help G with his social skills, his language and APD in general may be his little sister.  She understands him better than I do sometimes and there's nothing in the world she wants more than to follow his every move and ask him lots of questions!  I can't wait to see (and hear) what they come up with next.

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