Monday, December 7, 2009

if toys aren't available

Here's a helpful idea from my son G on what you can do if toys aren't available:

1.  Use balled fists as two crash-test puppets (especially great if it's bedtime, or you are riding in the car) and slam your fists into each other while making explosion or detonation style sound effects.

2.  Drop both fists to lap (or blankets if lying in bed) and begin flailing one about while making a crying noise (this can be fairly realistic sobbing or more of an half-hearted whining)

3.  Have the other fist ask the crying/whining fist "Are you okay?"

4.  Answer happily with formerly crying fist "I'm okay." in a sing song way.

5.  Have concerned fist reply "Oh, good, glad you're okay."

6.  Repeat step one with louder explosion noises.

This activity is good for at least twenty minutes worth of otherwise wasted naptime or quiet car-rides.  Enjoy!

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