Tuesday, September 15, 2009

smiles are big assets

So, I've always thought my kids had the most adorable, light-up-the-room smiles ever.  (I am their mom!)  It's like their whole hearts are right there on their faces when they are happy.  But in the last few weeks I've gotten to hear it from other people and I love that other people see it too.

G has always charmed other kids at the playground with his smile, even when all he could really say to them was "hi" and it often was just what was needed for a great new friendship.  And this morning our speech therapist said "It's great to see him smile because it's so genuine and so happy".

L impressed her great grandfather so much with her smile that he told us he was reminded of her great grandma's smile that made him want to marry her.  He said it will take her far.  I agree.  I know that G's smile has!

L's been sick this week (Ah yes, the dreaded first week of school illness is here) and yesterday I told their daddy that I could tell she was feeling better because she has her mischievous eyes again...those little twinkles in her eyes which remind us of illustrations of fairies and are just the cutest thing ever.

I am so glad that other people respond to their fantastic smiles too, because even if G and L can't/don't say a word, their joy still comes through loud and clear.

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